CIK activities

CoSky Final Conference - Thank You for Your Participation!
21 February 2025
CoSky Final Conference - Thank You for Your Participation!
On February 18, 2025, the "Drones in Crisis Management" conference took place in Warsaw, organised as part of the Polish-Norwegian bilateral CoSky initiative. This initiative is funded under the "Internal Affairs" Program, implemented within the framework of the Norwegian and EEA Grants for 2014-2021.
“See, analyse, help
17 February 2025
“See, analyse, help" - drones and geo-information during the September 2024 floods in Poland.
How drones and geo-information analysis were used to support emergency service operations during the recent flooding in southern Poland? What practical benefits did their widespread use bring, and what difficulties and problems were encountered? Partial answers to these questions are provided by Sławomir Kosieliński's independent reporter's report compiled on the occasion of the Polish-Norwegian bilateral initiative CoSky, funded by the “Internal Affairs” Program implemented under the Norwegian and EEA Funds 2014-2021.
CoSky - Study Visit to Norway
28 January 2025
CoSky - Study Visit to Norway
From January 20 to 22, 2025, the Crisis Information Centre (CBK PAN) team, together with representatives of Polish rescue services and police, participated in a study visit to Norway organized under the bilateral CoSky initiative. The visit aimed to exchange experiences and gain knowledge about best practices in complex air operations involving drones and manned aviation, as well as UAV mapping for crisis management purposes.
Training materials:
04 December 2024
Training materials: "Nature-based solutions for water retention and sediment management"
The training materials in Polish developed as part of the Localience project can be found below.
CIK participates in the Provincial Crisis Exercise
04 December 2024
CIK participates in the Provincial Crisis Exercise "Bieszczady 2024"
On November 26-27, 2024, the Podkarpackie Voivodeship hosted a large-scale crisis exercise “Bieszczady 2024.” Organized by the Provincial Crisis Management Team, the event aimed to strengthen collaboration among public administration, rescue services, and military in responding to diverse palette of risks.
Webinar organised within the project Localience
19 November 2024
Webinar organised within the project Localience
Invitation to a training "Nature-based solutions in water retention and sediment management. Theoretical basics and examples of good practices".
Trial in Sweden - COLLARIS
19 June 2024
Trial in Sweden - COLLARIS
How can we effectively cooperate using drones and other Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)? This was one of the main questions addressed during the COLLARIS trial exercises, organized by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) in collaboration with the Skaraborg Rescue Service (RS), the Region of Västra Götaland (RVG), and the Swedish Police. The event took place on May 22-23, 2024, at the Hasslum training grounds in Skövde, Sweden.
Report on the webinar
18 March 2024
Report on the webinar "Traffic over our heads" - 14.12.2023
On 14.12.2023, a webinar organised by the Covalex project in collaboration with the Collaris project took place. It addressed the topic of simultaneous flights of multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in a crisis situation. The speakers were members of our team: Jakub Ryzenko and Emil Wrzosek.
09 February 2024
The COLLARIS project conducted by our team was presented by Jakub Ryzenko at the DRS (Disaster Resilient Societies) event organised by CERIS (Community for European Research and Innovation for Security) in December 2023.
ProSPeReS project final outcomes and materials available online
29 January 2024
ProSPeReS project final outcomes and materials available online
2023 was the final year of ProSPeReS (Protection System for large gatherings of People in Religious Sites) project. The project aimed to provide a comprehensive protection system based on cooperation between scientists, security experts and practitioners, public services and religious institutions representing the Catholic Church, the Greek Orthodox Church and the Jewish Community. ProSPeReS identified measures for increasing prevention and protection, and deterring and responding to various types of terrorist threats and incidents that may occur in religious places.
Shaping the future of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) in disaster response: COLLARIS Plenary Meeting
19 January 2024
Shaping the future of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) in disaster response: COLLARIS Plenary Meeting
How will the COLLARIS program move forward and achieve its goal of building a sustainable network of experts related to BSP in civil protection and disaster response? This and many other issues were discussed at the first COLLARIS plenary meeting, which aimed to promote the project's activities and maximize the impact of the results achieved.
Innovation in Disaster Prevention – post-conference publications available
09 January 2024
Innovation in Disaster Prevention – post-conference publications available
Reports “Innovation in Disaster Prevention: challenges, solutions and opportunities – post-conference paper” and “Geoinformation for crisis management: guidelines and examples” are available online
UAS in civil protection: Data analysis/sharing & auxiliary support systems – new COLLARIS reports
30 October 2023
UAS in civil protection: Data analysis/sharing & auxiliary support systems – new COLLARIS reports
New COLLARIS reports provide preliminary overview on solutions for data analysis and sharing as well as auxiliary support systems for UAS used in civil protection.
The large-scale exercise in frame of ProSPeReS PROJECT
29 September 2023
The large-scale exercise in frame of ProSPeReS PROJECT
On September 27, 2023, at the Archcathedral Basilica of St. Stanislaus Kostka, Lodz, Piotrkowska Street a large-scale exercise was held as part of the project ProSPeReS.
Participation of the Crisis Information Centre in the tactical exercise
07 September 2023
Participation of the Crisis Information Centre in the tactical exercise "Stalowa Wola HCP 2023".
On August 30-31, a provincial-level exercise was held in the Stalowa Wola district, in which the State Fire Service carried out selected flood response activities.
Start of the LOCALIENCE project
21 April 2023
Start of the LOCALIENCE project
The project "LOCALIENCE - Developing resilience against extreme weather threats at local level in Central Europe", in which the CIK team is involved, officially started on 1 April 2023.
Innovation in Disaster Risk Reduction Conference, 9-11 May 2023, Kraków, Poland
14 April 2023
Innovation in Disaster Risk Reduction Conference, 9-11 May 2023, Kraków, Poland
During the three days of this conference, we invite you to join us in exploring the challenges, solutions and opportunities regarding the use of innovative solutions in disaster risk reduction.
Training on responding to pandemic emergencies has just launched
17 March 2023
Training on responding to pandemic emergencies has just launched
We invite you to participate in the FutureLearn training on optimizing the system response in the event of a pandemic.
COLLARIS Network: COLLaborative network on unmanned AeRIal Systems is launched
22 February 2023
COLLARIS Network: COLLaborative network on unmanned AeRIal Systems is launched
Representatives of civil protection authorities at all levels, first responders, crisis management practitioners, and researchers interested in issues related to further development and operational use of UAS in their activities are cordially invited to join the COLLARIS Network initiatives – a new project coordinated by Crisis Information Centre CBK PAN under the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network.
UAVs in the Polish High Tatra Mountains - demonstration
10 October 2022
UAVs in the Polish High Tatra Mountains - demonstration
In September, at the invitation of the Carpathian Border Guard Unit in Zakopane, the CIK team organised test activities demonstrating the ability of UAVs to operate in the Polish High Tatra Mountains. The activity was hosted by the Tatra Mountains National Park.
The Practical utilisation of AI tools in emergency management - the seminar and the workshop - recorgings
17 April 2022
The Practical utilisation of AI tools in emergency management - the seminar and the workshop - recorgings
Thank you for your participation in the event, which was a part of the European project ARTION – The Practical Use of AI Tools in Crisis Management. We were pleased to see your interest in the theme. Thank you for all the questions and discussions.
Network of DRIVER+ Centres of Expertise: seminar „Safety for drones, drones for safety”
31 October 2021
Network of DRIVER+ Centres of Expertise: seminar „Safety for drones, drones for safety”
A virtual seminar on „Safety for drones, drones for safety” was organized under the auspices of DRIVER+ Centres of Expertise Network on the 21st September
01 June 2021
Start of USeEO project
On May 12, 2021, the Space Research Centre begun the work on the implementation of a two- year project of the European Space Agency called “Custom EO tools for resilience management in Poland” (USeEO). This project aims to develop and validate a set of customized Earth Observation (EO) derived information products to support the different stakeholders working in the resilience sector in Poland and verify the utility and benefits resulting from the use of these products.
Burn severity index for fire in the Biebrza National Park
22 October 2020
Burn severity index for fire in the Biebrza National Park
An article „Burn severity index for fire in the Biebrza National Park” by Crisis Information Centre team was published on ARCANAGIS portal.
The module 1 of the online training within Sat4Envi is just behind us
17 August 2020
The module 1 of the online training within Sat4Envi is just behind us
On 27 July 2020 an online training organised within “Operating system for gathering, sharing and promotion of digital information about the environment - Sat4Envi” project has started. The training is intended for state security sector entities, including public administration.
Support of the Crisis Information Centre CBK in the use of UAVs during the fight against fire in the Biebrza National Park
12 May 2020
Support of the Crisis Information Centre CBK in the use of UAVs during the fight against fire in the Biebrza National Park
The recent fire of Biebrza National Park has been one of the biggest challenge for rescue services and crisis managements units in Poland for years. More than 5,5 hectares were burnt. During fire service action there were used special planes and helicopters because of hard-to-reach peat and swamp areas. UAVs were used for situation assessment and place of incident documentation.
I Forum of geoinformation users in crisis management and rescue (postponed)
04 March 2020
I Forum of geoinformation users in crisis management and rescue (postponed)
Due to COVID-19 pandemic, the data of Forum is postoponed. Probable new data: autum 2020.
Two years of the Mobile Centre for Satellite Data Analysis and Development
10 February 2020
Two years of the Mobile Centre for Satellite Data Analysis and Development
The Mobile Centre for Satellite Data Analysis and Development (MCS) has been operating at the Crisis Information Centre of the Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences for more than 2 years, offering operational geoinformation support to emergency management services and institutions.
Summary of the year 2019 in the Sat4Envi project from the perspective of CBK PAN
15 January 2020
Summary of the year 2019 in the Sat4Envi project from the perspective of CBK PAN
The second year of the project “Operating system for gathering, sharing and promotion of digital information about the environment - Sat4Envi” is behind us. It was a year full of new experiences, so we would like to remind you of the most important Sat4Envi events in 2019.
Union Civil Protection Mechanism tests the DRIVERr+ tools
07 January 2020
Union Civil Protection Mechanism tests the DRIVERr+ tools
Union Civil Protection Mechanism is the highest Crisis Management coordination body in the European Union. The primary aim of the UCPM is to strengthen cooperation between Participating States – Members States and others affiliated in the UCPM – in the field of civil protection, in order to respond to disasters as effectively and synergistically as possible. It demands a tremendous coordination effort and it was the main topic of Final Demonstration organised by Space Research Centre of Polish Academy of Sciences and the Main School of Fire Service under DRIVER+ Project.
Training for inspectors from the Provincional Inspectorate for Environmental Protection in Warsaw
19 December 2019
Training for inspectors from the Provincional Inspectorate for Environmental Protection in Warsaw
On 16-17 December 2019, a team of specialists from the Crisis Information Centre CBK PAN conducted a training for inspectors of the Provincional Inspectorate of Environmental Protection. (WIOŚ). The training covered selected issues of geographical information systems and remote sensing.
“Przejazd 2019” exercise
08 November 2019
“Przejazd 2019” exercise
On 6th November Crisis Information Centre SRC PAS participated in the vovoidship exercise of crisis management. The purpose of the exercise was checking the cooperation and coordination of services and inspections during a crisis situation related to a transport disaster from the Silesian Voivodeship.
“BUG 2019” Exercise
01 October 2019
“BUG 2019” Exercise
On 28 September 2019, Crisis Information Centre Team from Space Research Centre of Polish Academy of Sciences took part in crisis management exercise dedicated to cooperation and coordination rescue services during crisis situation. Scenario of exercise was focused on fictitious flood on Masovia.
Exercise of the State Fire Service “Lesko 2019”
30 September 2019
Exercise of the State Fire Service “Lesko 2019”
Between 24th and 25th of September Crisis Information Centre team from the Space Research Centre PAS participated in the exercise “LESKO 2019” which took place in Lesko District. The event was organised by the District Headquarter of the State Fire Service from Lesko and the Voivodeship Headquarter of the State Fire Service from Rzeszów.
Workshop with the Jura Group of the Mountain Volunteer Search and Rescue
06 September 2019
Workshop with the Jura Group of the Mountain Volunteer Search and Rescue
On 31st August - 1st Seprember 2019 Crisis Information Centre team from the Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences participated in workshops on searching for missing persons organized by the Jura Group of the Mountain Volunteer Search and Rescue. The aim of the event was to improve the organisation and usege of satellite techniques in exploration activities. During the event, the CIK team provided support for the participants of exercises using solutions available at the Mobile Centre for Satellite Data Analysis and Development (MCS).
Training for rescuers from the Jura Group of the Mountain Volunteer Search and Rescue
20 August 2019
Training for rescuers from the Jura Group of the Mountain Volunteer Search and Rescue
On 8-9 August 2019 Crisis Information Centre team conducted training on Geographical Information Systems and remote sensing for rescuers from the Jura Group of the Mountain Volunteer Search and Rescue. Two-day session took place in the Central Rescue Station of Jura Group in Podlesice, Silesian Voivodship.
Training for officers of the State Fire Service from the Silesian Voivodeship
17 April 2019
Training for officers of the State Fire Service from the Silesian Voivodeship
On 10th of April 2019 Crisis Information Centre team conducted training on Geographical Information Systems and remote sensing for the State Fire Service officers. The training session took place in the Rescue and Firefighting Unit No. 1 in Katowice - Szopienice.
Exercise of the emergrency services
01 April 2019
Exercise of the emergrency services "PODKARPACIE 2019"
Between 18th - 21 of March Crisis Information Center Team from the Space Research Cenbreach the dangerous substance transmission system the PAS participated in the national exerciese of emergency services and crisis management services "PODKARPACE 2019" which took place on the industrial plants area in Nowa Sarzyna (Leżajsk District). The purpose of the exercises was to improve the organization of the entities of the National Fire and Rescue System from four voivodships: Masovian, Lublin, Holly Cross (świętokrzyskie) and Subcarpathian (podkarpackie). During the exercises, the CIK team provided support for the participants of the exercises using the solutions being at the disposal of the Mobile Center for Analyzing and Preparing Satellite Data (MCS)
Exercise of the rescue services
19 October 2018
Exercise of the rescue services "Skansen Sanok 2018"
From 8th to 12th of October Crisis Information Center (CIK) team from the Space Research Center of PAS participated in the exercise of emergency services and crisis management services "Skansen Sanok 2018". The main theme of the event was the improvement of cooperation between the entities of the National Fire and Rescue System and other services and institutions in the area of operational activities related to the response to threats occurring in museum and historic objects. CIK carried out the tasks of the Mobile Center for Analyzing and Preparing Satellite Data (MCS).
Exercise of emergency services
11 June 2018
Exercise of emergency services "Przeworsk Station"
On May 28-29, 2018, the CIK SRC PAS team participated in the exercise of the emergency services and crisis management entities under the code name "Przeworsk Station" organized by the Department of Security and Crisis Management of the Podkarpackie Voivodship Office in Rzeszów. The purpose of the exercises was to improve the organization of activities during the liquidation of the consequences of mass communication disaster.
21 March 2018
Workshop "0" - DRIVER + project partners working meeting
On 26 February - 02 March 2018, a working meeting of the DRIVER + project partners took place at the Holiday Inn Hotel in Józefów.
„Vistula river in Crisis Management: flood evacuation” – theme lecture, workshop for the youngest and decision-making game at the premises of Crisis Information Centre SRC PAS.
05 October 2017
„Vistula river in Crisis Management: flood evacuation” – theme lecture, workshop for the youngest and decision-making game at the premises of Crisis Information Centre SRC PAS.
On Sunday, 01.10.2017, the Space Research Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences once again opened its doors to the participants of the Festival of Science. This year's topic of the Festival was: Vistula river. Despite age differences, every participant could find something interesting from the agenda.
Science Picnic 2017
06 June 2017
Science Picnic 2017
The Space Research Centre of Polish Academy of Science took part in the Science Picnic of organized by Polish Radio and the Copernicus Science Centre.
Conference on
24 May 2017
Conference on "Collaboration and exchange of information on missing persons - new technologies"
On May 23, 2017 CIK specialists participated in the 1st Conference on "Cooperation and exchange of information on missing persons - new technologies". The organizer of the conference was the Center for Searching of Missing Persons of the Police Headquarter in cooperation with the Association of Security Experts of the Republic of Poland. The host of the event was the Military Institute of Armament Technology.
“KAMPINOS 2017” maneuvers
15 May 2017
“KAMPINOS 2017” maneuvers
On May 13, 2017 CIK team participated in the 4th National Search and Rescue Maneuvers "KAMPINOS 2017" organized on the occasion of the International Missing Children's Day. The maneuvers were organized by the Center for Searching of Missing Persons of the Police Headquarter in cooperation with the Institute of Political Science of the University of Warsaw, the Rescue Team of the Polish Red Cross (PCK) from Warsaw, the Specialized Rescue Unit s12 and the Jabłonna Voluntary Fire Service Search and Rescue Section.
Simulation Game for Water Supply and Sewerage Companies in Warsaw
03 April 2017
Simulation Game for Water Supply and Sewerage Companies in Warsaw
On 29-30 March 2017 the team of the Crisis Information Centre in cooperation with SEKA S.A., and on behalf of the Polish Chamber of Commerce of the Polish Water Supply Association organized a simulation game on security management in water supply and sewerage enterprises. The game, combined with the panel of lectures, took place in Warsaw.
Simulation Game for Water Supply and Sewerage Companies in Wroclaw
07 March 2017
Simulation Game for Water Supply and Sewerage Companies in Wroclaw
On 01-02.03.2017 the team of the Crisis Information Center in cooperation with SEKA S.A., and on behalf of the Polish Chamber of Commerce of the Polish Water Supply Association organized a simulation game. The game, combined with the panel of lectures, took place in Wroclaw and was concerning the topic of safety management in water supply and sewerage enterprises.
The first edition of
03 March 2017
The first edition of "Drones in geoinformation, crisis management, civil protection and infrastructure" training starting in March
Józef Tuliszkowski Science and Research Centre for Fire Protection – National Research Institute, as the organizational unit of the State Fire Service supervised by the Ministry of Interior and Administration, set up the Centre of Unmanned Systems "Drones Center". The Centre organizes a four-week training "Drones in geoinformation, crisis management, civil protection and infrastructure".
Simulation Game for Water Supply and Sewerage Companies in Poznan
26 February 2017
Simulation Game for Water Supply and Sewerage Companies in Poznan
On 01-02.03.2017 the team of the Crisis Information Center in cooperation with SEKA S.A., and on behalf of the Polish Chamber of Commerce of the Polish Water Supply Association organized a simulation game. The game, combined with the panel of lectures, took place in Poznan and was concerning the topic of safety management in water supply and sewerage enterprises.
12 December 2016
III Scientific Conference "Selected Aspects of the Use of Combat Aviation"
On 8 December 2016, III Scientific Conference "Selected Aspects of Use of Combat Aviation" took place at the Polish Air Force Academy in Dęblin. The focus of the conference was on the use of aviation in times of peace, crisis and during war.
Demonstration of a comprehensive protection system for logistics of multi-entity rescue operations
15 November 2016
Demonstration of a comprehensive protection system for logistics of multi-entity rescue operations
On 9 November 2016, the final results of the project "A comprehensive protection system for logistics of multi-entity rescue operations", financed by the National Centre for Research and Development, were presented at the training ground of the Main School of Fire Service in Kazuń.
30 October 2016
The meeting of experts at the XII Forum Health Market
On 26-27.10.2016 r. CIK representative participated in the cross-seminar organized by the Group of the Polish Society for Support of Entrepreneurship JSC in cooperation with among others 3M, Asseco, PolMed, Philips, Ernst & Young, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Bank of National Economy.
03 October 2016
Scientific conference on emergency medical services in the state security system
On 29-30.09.2016 r. at the Polish Air Force Academy in Dęblin a scientific conference held place, organized in cooperation with i. a. the Land Forces Academy in Wrocław and the Strategic Planning College in Dąbrowa Górnicza.
Chemical scenario in project EDEN field exercise
04 July 2016
Chemical scenario in project EDEN field exercise
Between 30th June and 1st July 2016 in Training Center of the departmental Emergency Fire and Rescue service of Seine-et-Marne French department in Gurcy-le-Châtel were organized large-scale demonstration of EDEN project (End-user driven demo on CBRNe).
Table-Top Exercise TTX 2016
10 June 2016
Table-Top Exercise TTX 2016
Between 7th and 9th June 2016, in Warsaw, Crisis Information Centre (CIK) together with the Main School of Fire Service (SGSP) organized a Table-Top Exercise, that was final event of Project EDEN (End User Driven demo for CBRNe) Large Scale Radiological Demonstrations series.
SimSpace system tests
06 June 2016
SimSpace system tests
On 2nd June 2016 in the Main School of Fire Service there were performed tests of SimSpace simulation software that allow to use different data from earth observation for the use of the situation analysis and as a support in decision making process.
„Geoinformation in crisis and rescue management in Poland”
25 April 2016
„Geoinformation in crisis and rescue management in Poland”
In April 2016 Crisis Information Centre SRC PAS published an article entitled "Geoinformation in crisis and rescue management in Poland".
22 March 2016
Planning workshops in case of maritime crisis on Baltic Sea
On 21st March 2016 national workshops took place in Warminsko-Mazurski Voivodship Office in Olsztyn. The goal of the event was to prepare the participants for upcoming science experiment EXPE 43 organized within European project DRIVER.
01 March 2016
End-user driven Demo for cbrNe
The EDEN project (End-user driven Demo for cbrNe) is being carried out under the 7th Framework Programme. Its consortium comprises 37 European institutions (universities, research institutes, companies operating in the security sector and other institutions specialising in research and development activities).
GECCO tests
04 February 2016
GECCO tests
The tests of an integrated information environment "GECCO" were held in The Main School of Fire Service on 3rd February 2016. GECO supports crisis management (especially response) and civil protection processes by providing access to the geoinformation products and information exchange.
Demonstration of chosen satellite techniques for rescue and crisis management
27 November 2015
Demonstration of chosen satellite techniques for rescue and crisis management
On 26th November 2015 in The Main School of Fire Service in Warsaw there was demonstration of chosen satellite techniques for rescue and crisis management. The purpose was to present chosen solutions that use satellite techniques and to show their usefulness for rescue and crisis management.
19th Festival of Science
23 September 2015
19th Festival of Science
On 21st September 2015 19th Festival of Science took place in Space Research Centre Polish Academy of Sciences. There were lots of scientific shows, workshops and lectures dedicated to children, teenagers and adults interested in space researches. CIK CBK PAN prepared many games and riddles for the youngest lovers of space.
GECCO – first tests
03 July 2015
GECCO – first tests
On 1st July 2015 in the main School of Fire Service there were performed first external functional tests of integrated information environment for crisis management – GECCO (space-derived GEoinformation for Crisis management and Coordination).
Crisis Information Centre at the 19th Science Picnic
11 May 2015
Crisis Information Centre at the 19th Science Picnic
On May 9, 2015, another edition of the Scientific Picnic organized by the Polish Radio and the Copernicus Science Center was held at the National Stadium in Warsaw. More than 200 exhibitions, experiments and workshops were organized. This year, the theme was Light.
30 March 2015
SRC Entrepreneurship Day for high schools
On 27th March 2015 in the Space Research Centre, PAS we had guests from LXX High School from Warsaw.
Science picnic
17 February 2015
Science picnic "Day of Space Science"
On 16th February 2016 in John Paul II School Complex in Radzyń Podlaski was held an event popularizing science "Day of Space Science". Space Research Center PAS was a co-organizer of this event and its researchers prepared interesting lecturers and shows for students from elementary schools as well as lower and upper secondary schools.
Crisis management exercise in Georgia
24 November 2014
Crisis management exercise in Georgia
Within the “Anti-flood early warning and prevention systems in Georgia: special focus on Kabali and Duruji rivers" project, in November 2014 there were organized workshops in a form of simulations for two local governments: in Kvareli and Lagodekhi.
21 November 2014
On November 2014 there was another edition of Warsaw celebration of geoinformation systems day called GIS Day 2014 – GIS in the capital. This year's theme was “Modern dimensions”.
03 November 2014
Meeting with EDEN project End-users
On 31st October, Crisis Information Centre SRC PAS was a host of meeting of EDEN project organizers about demo exercise.
Opening of operation room for Crisis Information Centre
15 October 2014
Opening of operation room for Crisis Information Centre
On 20th October 2014 there were opening ceremony of new operational room for Crisis Information Centre.