“See, analyse, help" - drones and geo-information during the September 2024 floods in Poland.
What can you see from a 100m altitude, what from 500m, and what from space? What information did the emergency management services acquire through different types of drones and satellites, and what did they use them for in practice? What challenges and problems for those responsible for security and flight coordination resulted from the simultaneous presence of drones from different services and manned aviation in the same area? What should the circulation of information during an emergency and communication between drones and communication between manned and unmanned aviation look like in the future? Which services and institutions used which types of drones during the September floods? What are some examples of geospatial analysis developed from satellite data and drone data, and a combination of both types of data? What are they used for?
Those interested in these issues are encouraged to read the report “ See, analyse, help”.
A detailed summary of the State Fire Service's activities during the floods: https://www.ppoz.pl/czytelnia/ratownictwo-i-ochrona-ludnosci/PSP-kontra-wielka-woda/idn:3348