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November 2015
Demonstration of chosen satellite techniques for rescue and crisis management
On 26th November 2015 in The Main School of Fire Service in Warsaw there was demonstration of chosen satellite techniques for rescue and crisis management. The purpose was to present chosen solutions that use satellite techniques and to show their usefulness for rescue and crisis management.
November 2015
Exercise in Warsaw underground in case of terrorist threat
At night between 18th and 19th November 2015 on Warsaw Underground station 'Stadion Narodowy' an exercise in case of terrorist attack with usage of toxic chemical substance on the train and on the platform was conducted. The exercise codename was Patrol-15 and alongside Underground Security Service following institutions and services were involved: State Fire Service, Army, Police, emergency medical services, Crisis Management Centres, State Sanitary Inspection etc.
October 2015
Alarm sirens in Mazovia
Between 13th and 15th October there were RENEGADE-SAREX 155/II exercises, organised by the Armed Forces Branches Operational Command. Scope of the exercises was to examine readiness of national defence institution entities and civil entities to prevent terrorist threat in air and conducting search and rescue activities on Polish soil.
September 2015
19th Festival of Science
On 21st September 2015 19th Festival of Science took place in Space Research Centre Polish Academy of Sciences. There were lots of scientific shows, workshops and lectures dedicated to children, teenagers and adults interested in space researches. CIK CBK PAN prepared many games and riddles for the youngest lovers of space.
July 2015
GECCO – first tests
On 1st July 2015 in the main School of Fire Service there were performed first external functional tests of integrated information environment for crisis management – GECCO (space-derived GEoinformation for Crisis management and Coordination).
May 2015
Crisis Information Centre at the 19th Science Picnic
On May 9, 2015, another edition of the Scientific Picnic organized by the Polish Radio and the Copernicus Science Center was held at the National Stadium in Warsaw. More than 200 exhibitions, experiments and workshops were organized. This year, the theme was Light.
March 2015
SRC Entrepreneurship Day for high schools
On 27th March 2015 in the Space Research Centre, PAS we had guests from LXX High School from Warsaw.
March 2015
Earthquake in Nepal
On 25th April 2015 an earthquake of magnitude 7,9 on the Richter scale struck densely populated areas of Nepal. Crisis Information Centre SRC PAS monitors maps that are being created and supplies Polish Center for International Aid (PCPM) whose rapid response medical team works on site of the incident.
February 2015
Science picnic "Day of Space Science"
On 16th February 2016 in John Paul II School Complex in Radzyń Podlaski was held an event popularizing science "Day of Space Science". Space Research Center PAS was a co-organizer of this event and its researchers prepared interesting lecturers and shows for students from elementary schools as well as lower and upper secondary schools.
November 2014
Crisis management exercise in Georgia
Within the “Anti-flood early warning and prevention systems in Georgia: special focus on Kabali and Duruji rivers" project, in November 2014 there were organized workshops in a form of simulations for two local governments: in Kvareli and Lagodekhi.
November 2014
On November 2014 there was another edition of Warsaw celebration of geoinformation systems day called GIS Day 2014 – GIS in the capital. This year's theme was “Modern dimensions”.
November 2014
Meeting with EDEN project End-users
On 31st October, Crisis Information Centre SRC PAS was a host of meeting of EDEN project organizers about demo exercise.
October 2014
Opening of operation room for Crisis Information Centre
On 20th October 2014 there were opening ceremony of new operational room for Crisis Information Centre.
December 2013
Hurricane near Zakopane
During last days of December 2013 over Tatra Mountains there was hurricane wind that was even 200 km/h fast.
October 2013
Crisis Information Centre fights against flood in South Sudan
Every year from August until October, the area surrounding Lol and Jur rivers in South Sudan is visited by floods caused by torrential rainfalls that occur during the rainy season. These rivers flood the fields and villages depriving of home thousands of inhabitants of the state of Northern Bahr El-Ghazal.
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