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February 2017
Situation maps of Drużno Lake area
At the beginning of January 2017 a strong wind from the north led to the so-called retreat in the Gulf of Gdansk and the Vistula Lagoon, which contributed to raising of the water level in the rivers and lakes in the delta of Vistula River.
February 2017
DigitalGlobe supports crisis management
DigitalGlobe, the leading American provider of high-resolution satellite imagery, announced on its blog the launch of the Open Data Program, which aims to provide satellite data for selected large-scale natural disasters.
January 2017
Earthquake in central Italy on Copernicus EMS maps
On the morning of January 18th an earthquake of magnitude greater than 5 occurred in central Italy. This event caused activation of Copernicus Emergency Management Service for the first time in 2017.
January 2017
Sentinel-2B getting closer to space
Launching of the Sentinel-2B optical satellite is planned for 7th March. New satellite will join its twin Sentinel-2A satellite which is already in the orbit since June 2015. All of the operational tests that were conducted from 2016, ended up successfully, thanks to which Sentinel-2B has been transported to the spaceport in French Guiana.
January 2017
First activation of the International Charter on Space and Major Disasters in 2017
The International Charter on Space and Major Disasters has been activated for the first time this year, as a result of fires in Argentina. Fires started in late December 2016 and in only two weeks destroyed millions of hectares of forest in the area of the Buenos Aires Province, in the southern part of the Rio Negro Province and in the central part of La Pampa.
January 2017
Geoinformation Guide: OpenStreetMap
Today's "Geoinformation Guide" series concerns the global OpenStreetMap project, which allows us to view and retrieve free vector data.
December 2016
Terrorist attacks in 2016 on the map
Year 2016 abounded in terrorist events, which invariably shock the whole world. Information about the attacks in Brussels, Paris or about the latest attack in Berlin, in which many innocent people were killed, were circulated by the Western media. The Middle East remains the most inflammable spot in terms of terrorist attacks, in particular Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. In addition, the alarming increase in terrorist attacks in Europe has been reported in 2016.
December 2016
A new approach in hurricanes monitoring
On 15 December, NASA has launched a constellation of 8 microsatellites – Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS). The launch took place from the US Air Force Base at Cape Canaveral. Microsatellites were carried to low-Earth orbit 500 km above the Earth. CYGNSS is funded by NASA and its main developers are the University of Michigan and the Southwest Research Institute (SWRI).
December 2016
III Scientific Conference "Selected Aspects of the Use of Combat Aviation"
On 8 December 2016, III Scientific Conference "Selected Aspects of Use of Combat Aviation" took place at the Polish Air Force Academy in Dęblin. The focus of the conference was on the use of aviation in times of peace, crisis and during war.
November 2016
Demonstration of a comprehensive protection system for logistics of multi-entity rescue operations
On 9 November 2016, the final results of the project "A comprehensive protection system for logistics of multi-entity rescue operations", financed by the National Centre for Research and Development, were presented at the training ground of the Main School of Fire Service in Kazuń.
November 2016
Geoinformation Guide: Corine Land Cover
Taking a break from issues related to satellite imagery, in today's article from "Geoinformation Guide" series we want to present you free vecor and raster data regarding land cover for the area of Europe. Have you heard about the Corine Land Cover project?
October 2016
The meeting of experts at the XII Forum Health Market
On 26-27.10.2016 r. CIK representative participated in the cross-seminar organized by the Group of the Polish Society for Support of Entrepreneurship JSC in cooperation with among others 3M, Asseco, PolMed, Philips, Ernst & Young, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Bank of National Economy.
October 2016
Geoinformation Guide: LandsatLook Viewer
In today's article from the "Geoinformation Guide" series we will take a closer look at the LandsatLook Viewer web application, which allows for quick view and access to archives of images from the Landsat satellite.
October 2016
Scientific conference on emergency medical services in the state security system
On 29-30.09.2016 r. at the Polish Air Force Academy in Dęblin a scientific conference held place, organized in cooperation with i. a. the Land Forces Academy in Wrocław and the Strategic Planning College in Dąbrowa Górnicza.
September 2016
Geoinformation Guide: Shapefile
In today's article from the "Geoinformation Guide" series we will explain what a file in the Shapefile format is.
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