Exercise in Warsaw underground in case of terrorist threat
The goal of the exercise was to examine the work of national system for pollution detection and alarming (KSWSiA) and to integrate and coordinate actions of military and non-military subjects, that are subordinate to different institutions such as Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture and Countryside Development, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Economic Development and also voivodes, city governors, mayors. KSWSiA gathers within units and public authorities. Their task is to protect Polish citizens from chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear hazards (CBRN). The exercise goal was also to verify and help to improve procedures for initiation of resort systems and its work in an uniform system and to examine skills of gathering, processing and exchanging information about pollutions between military and non-military task teams that are in KSWSiA. It is also worth mentioning that this kind of exercise is held every three years.