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June 2021
Start of USeEO project
On May 12, 2021, the Space Research Centre begun the work on the implementation of a two- year project of the European Space Agency called “Custom EO tools for resilience management in Poland” (USeEO). This project aims to develop and validate a set of customized Earth Observation (EO) derived information products to support the different stakeholders working in the resilience sector in Poland and verify the utility and benefits resulting from the use of these products.
April 2021
Geoinformation Guide: DEM and DSM
New Geoinformation Guide (only in Polish) concerns digital elevation and surface models which are openly accessible for Poland.
April 2021
March 2021
Happy Easter 2021 !
Wishing you lots of health, beautiful time and nothing but smiles, sunshine and optimism. Happy Easter 2021 ! Crisis Information Centre, Space Research Centre of Polish Academy of Sciences
February 2021
The last Sat4Envi conference - Satellite data for everyone
The project "Operating system for gathering, sharing and promotion of digital information about the environment - Sat4Envi” comes to an end. Together with the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute, the Academic Computer Center CYFRONET AGH, and the Polish Space Agency, we would like to invite you to participate in the last conference of the "Satellite data for everyone" project, which will be held on-line.
February 2021
Ice jam on the Vistula River
As a result of persistent frosts, ice phenomena including ice jams have formed on many rivers and water reservoirs, which can cause flooding. Currently, a difficult situation prevails in the section of the Vistula River from the mouth of the Narew River to Płock, where a flood alert has been announced. Ice has also accumulated on Lake Włocławskie and may potentially threaten the dam in Włocławek.
December 2020
Merry Christmas!
Best wishes for Happy Holidays and a wonderful New Year...
October 2020
Burn severity index for fire in the Biebrza National Park
An article „Burn severity index for fire in the Biebrza National Park” by Crisis Information Centre team was published on ARCANAGIS portal.
August 2020
The module 1 of the online training within Sat4Envi is just behind us
On 27 July 2020 an online training organised within “Operating system for gathering, sharing and promotion of digital information about the environment - Sat4Envi” project has started. The training is intended for state security sector entities, including public administration.
July 2020
Geoinformation Guide: Copernicus Open Access Hub - update
In today's entry from the "Geoinformation Guide" series, we present the Copernicus Open Access Hub browser designed to download free and open satellite images from the Sentinel mission.
July 2020
Geoinformation Guide: Earth Explorer
In today's article from the "Geoinformation Guide" series we will show you how to download free satellite images, eg from the Landsat mission, in a simple and quick way using the Earth Explorer browser.
May 2020
Support of the Crisis Information Centre CBK in the use of UAVs during the fight against fire in the Biebrza National Park
The recent fire of Biebrza National Park has been one of the biggest challenge for rescue services and crisis managements units in Poland for years. More than 5,5 hectares were burnt. During fire service action there were used special planes and helicopters because of hard-to-reach peat and swamp areas. UAVs were used for situation assessment and place of incident documentation.
April 2020
Fire in the Biebrza National Park observed from orbit (new maps added 30 April, 17:00)
Experts from the Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences used the satellite data to determine the extent of fire in the Biebrza National Park. Observations have shown that the fire area increased eightfold between 20 and 22 April 2020 reaching almost 4200 hectares.
April 2020
Happy Easter 2020
Wishing you lots of health, beautiful time with your familiy and nothing but smiles, sunshine and optimism. Happy Easter 2020 !
April 2020
The overview of the COVID-19 maps for Poland
We present below the overview of the most interesting web maps dedicated to COVID-19 monitoring in Poland.
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