Summary of the year 2019 in the Sat4Envi project from the perspective of CBK PAN
The first quarter of 2019 passed for the project team under the banner of retrofitting the Mobile Center for Analysing and Processing of Satellite Data (MCS) and developing training programs enabling a fuller use of the available satellite data.
The most important event, and at the same time starting the period of the team's away activity, was the PODKARPACIE 2019 emergency services exercises, during whichh an agreement on cooperation between the Podparpackie Viovodship and the Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences was signed. During the exercises, the CIK CBK PAN team provided support to the participants of the exercises by utilizing the solutions at the disposal of the MCS. Among other things, our task was to visualise the conducted activities under the various scenarios by creating situational maps (including orthophotomap) and 3D models of the event sites.
Thraining sessions were held in the second and third quarters, e.g. for the resuers of the Jurassic Group of the Mountain Volunteer Search and Rescue. During the training workshops, the possibilities of using geographic information systems, geospatial data, including satellite imagery and derived products to support search and rescue and other operational activities were presented.
One of out tasks was also to provide remote exert support, as exemplified by the studies prepared on the basis of Sentinel-2 images during the failure of sewage collectors at the Czajka sewage treatment plant.
In the fourth quarter, we were co-organiser of the 2nd Sat4Envi Conference, which was attended by about 100 participants from the administration, science and security sectors.
One of the last activities undertaken this year was to conduct training for inspectors of the Provincional Inspectorate of Environmental Protection on the use of GIS and spatial data in environemntal protection activities.
We hope that next year will be full of new experieces and opportunities for development in the field of operational collection, sharing and promotion of digital satellite information about the environment. We will report on our activities soom.
All events have been carried out within the framework of the project "Operating system for gathering, sharing and promotion of digital information about the environment - Sat4Envi".