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March 2015
Earthquake in Nepal
On 25th April 2015 an earthquake of magnitude 7,9 on the Richter scale struck densely populated areas of Nepal. Crisis Information Centre SRC PAS monitors maps that are being created and supplies Polish Center for International Aid (PCPM) whose rapid response medical team works on site of the incident.
December 2013
Hurricane near Zakopane
During last days of December 2013 over Tatra Mountains there was hurricane wind that was even 200 km/h fast.
October 2013
Crisis Information Centre fights against flood in South Sudan
Every year from August until October, the area surrounding Lol and Jur rivers in South Sudan is visited by floods caused by torrential rainfalls that occur during the rainy season. These rivers flood the fields and villages depriving of home thousands of inhabitants of the state of Northern Bahr El-Ghazal.
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