Exercise of the emergrency services "PODKARPACIE 2019"
The exercises consisted of operational as well as staff components and focused on the activities of specialistics rescue units and anti-terrorist units. Scenarios included a dozen or so independent episodes, among others: breach of the dangerous substance transmission system, occupation the laboratory building by terrorists or mass event caused by a traffic accident with chemical hazards elements.
According to the activation of the Mobile Center for Analyzing and Preparing Satellite Data (MCS), the CIK team was focused on visualizing the activities on the field by developing of the situation maps (including orthophotomaps) and 3D models of the event sites. The materials prepared by our specialists where used to carry out situational analyses by the Headquarter as well as Rescue Action Commander on the field. Of particular interest to the members of the Headquater were to direct transmissions view from the field by Unmannered aerial vehicle enabled by MCS.
In the event, apart from the CIK SRC PAS specialists and firefighters from the National Fire and Rescue System, participared the representatives of: the Polish National Police, the Antiterrorists Operations Office, The Emergency medical services, the Polish Red Cross, the Inspectorate of Environmental Protection from the Subcarpation voivodship, the State Sanitary Inspection and representatives from voivodship offices in Rzeszów.
Additional information is available on the organizer's website:
Participation of CIK SRC PAS in the exercise "PODKARPACIE 2019" was implemented as part of the project "Operating system for gathering, sharing and promotion of digital information about the environment - Sat4Envi”.