XXII Polish Rescue Forum INOWROCŁAW 2017
The conference was attended among other by government and self-government administration, rescue and social organizations, and thematic experts. During the conference many problems were discussed i.e.: rescue operations and simulation exercises in real time, monitoring of urban agglomerations with the use of UAV, operating systems of the information and communication technology of KSWSiA, functioning of the rescue and support systems.
CIK delivered two presentations. The first one, titled: "European Earth Observation programme - Copernicus in Crisis Management", presented the scope of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service (EMS) and the characteristic of Polish activations of the EMS.
Second CIK presentation was named (after submitted article): "Theoretical and practical implementation of serious gaming approach to exercises, trainings and demonstrations ". The presentation brought to the public the benefits of implementing "serious games" in organizing crisis management exercises. The concepts were discussed basing on the example of exercises, trainings and demonstrations conducted by CIK between years 2015 and 2017.