Project HERoS - more effecitve fight with COVID-19 pandemia
HERoS creates and provides policies and guidelines for improved crisis governance, focusing on responders to public health emergencies, and their needs to make informed decisions. HERoS further improves the predictions of the spread by understanding and modelling the impact of local behaviour on the spread of the disease. Furthermore, HERoS improves the management of medical supply chains for preparedness and response, as well as evaluates the impact of cascading effects across global supply chains.
CIK CBK PAN will be responsible for geoinformation and visualization of data and models.
Key partners: Hanken School of Econimics (HUMLOG Institute), TU Delft, VU Amsterdam, The Open University, NHG Consulting Oy, CBK, Squadron, Polish Center for International Aid, Arttic, Italian Red Cross, Project HOPE.